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Top 5 Books That I Want to Read Soon!

This post contains affiliate links. However, all thoughts are my own and honest.

One of my goals is to read more, especially to reduce my physical TBR (to be read/my shelf). I thought I would make a post about 5 books that I would like to read soon and why!
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

This YA fantasy is set in a world where librarians watch over grimoires that can turn into monsters. I believe we follow a librarian and that there is a romance. I have heard mixed views about this book but I would love to check it out soon. Also, the hardcover copy is beautiful!

Preparing Your Small Business for the Return of Exhibitions

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The coronavirus pandemic has thrown businesses around the world. Hardly any of us were prepared for the rise and spread of a deadly pandemic and the social isolation and social distancing measures that would come hand in hand with it. Over the past four months, many of us have been unable to operate, or have been operating online on a remote basis. Sales have plummeted for the vast majority of brands, as companies are having to limit operations and consumers aren’t as willing to spend due to high rates of unemployment and reluctance to spend money that could be essential for necessities if they do lose their jobs. But the good news is that restrictions are slowly being lifted and things are gradually getting back to normal. As things begin to get back into motion, you’re going to have to work extra hard to get your brand noticed, to reestablish yourself and to make as many sales as possible to make up for lost time in some capacity. This is where exhibitions could come into play! Now, exhibitions aren’t opening back up quite yet. But this is a good time to start preparing for them. Here are a few pieces of information that can help you along the way!

Internal IT Vs Outsourced IT - What's Better For Small Businesses?

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Information Technology is imperative to your small business’ success. With the right IT tools in place, you can reduce everything from bounce rate to downtime while boosting employee productivity levels. Plus, your company will be incredibly secure.

Entrepreneurs understand the importance of investing in IT, but the tricky part is figuring out how to invest. Do you outsource the job to a third-party, or do you hire in-house IT technicians? The option you choose should depend on your circumstances as every business is different.

However, here are the general reasons why entrepreneurs tend to prefer outsourced IT to internal IT services.

A Remote-Worker's Guide to Small Business Success

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With so many businesses, ranging from small to huge corporations, going to fully remote work rapidly, there has been a huge learning curve for founders, CEOs, and employees. If you haven’t already, go ahead and read the blog about how to set up a successful small business. While that guide still pertains to setting up a business, you may want to consider these tips on how to maintain your small business success while many of your employees work remotely.

Protect your physical goods

Keep your physical property safe. If you have a physical product or service, you may not spend as much time at your warehouse or storage property as you did before you migrated towards a more remote workforce. Simply put, this means you aren’t checking on your goods or property as often. If you have anxiety about the safety of your tools or products, have a closed-circuit television system installed. CCTVs are more of a deterrent than many other security options, and you can monitor the TVs from your home. Check out Securafit’s website if you’d like to learn more about CCTV installation to help keep your small business property safe, especially if you’re working from home more.

I Made My First Digital Products: Book Trackers & Planners!

This post contains affiliate links. However, all thoughts are my own and honest.

Digital products are quite popular now with some of the main places to sell being Gumroad, Etsy and Payhip. I've loved reading blogging ebooks, such as The Blogger's Survival Guide and Big Pin Energy through these services. I decided to create some planners and trackers, something that I love using and that I've made for myself in the past.

Big Pin Energy Pinterest Guide Review!

This post contains affiliate links but all thoughts are my own and honest.

Pinterest can become the number one biggest source of traffic for bloggers and business owners, if you know how best to use it. I tried for a long time to grow my Pinterest using resources I found online, I tried many different strategies but nothing worked. I saw people getting hundreds, even a thousand clicks per pin through implementing the advice in Big Pin Energy, so I decided to take the plunge and give it a go.

Pinterest can become the number one biggest source of traffic for bloggers and business owners, if you know how best to use it. I tried for a long time to grow my Pinterest using resources I found online, I tried many different strategies but nothing worked. I saw people getting hundreds, even a thousand clicks per pin through implementing the advice in Big Pin Energy, so I decided to take the plunge and give it a go.

In the short time I have been using this guide, I have already been getting more impressions and more importantly, more clicks on my pins. This guide works. But what does this guide feature that you can't find anywhere else? I want to talk about some of the things that this e-book features that I had never seen anywhere else.

5 Daily Healthy Habits for Positive Mental Health

This post may contain affiliate links. However, all thoughts are my own and honest.

you got this sign

Mental health is something that everyone has. These daily healthy habits are great ways to foster more positive mental health. They can be really helpful for managing anxiety and stress but they can also be great just for feeling more positive, more inspired and more relaxed. No matter what your situation is I would really recommend adapting some of these daily healthy habits into your routine.

These Essential Tips will Help you to make your Small Business More Efficient

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Everyone out there has the ultimate aim of getting ahead of their competition. If you want to do this properly, then you need to make sure that you are running an efficient business. There are many ways that you can do this, and it doesn’t have to take a lot of effort either.

Create a Business Plan

If you do not have a solid business plan, then you will struggle. Your business plan is the backbone of your company. It’s a manifesto that helps you to outline your goals and your projected growth. Creating a business plan will also help you to achieve any entrepreneurial goals that you have, such as what sales you need to meet or even how much profit you need to make per month. Your business plan should detail your expenses too. If you’re wondering “what's the price of red diesel?” then now’s the time to find out.

Marketing During The Coronavirus Pandemic: Things To Think About

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The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has hit the world hard and only now, after months of global lockdowns and quarantining, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of death are the figures even starting to even out. It is going to be a very long time - if ever - before things are back to resembling anything resembling normal. This means that we all, from retail to corporate business, education, and our personal lives, have to adapt and look at new ways to live.

If you are a small business, you may be worrying about how you continue to market your products or services during the crisis while remaining sensitive to the situation. In this post, we are going to cover just a few of the things that you need to keep in mind while keeping your business afloat.

Image credit: Pixabay CC0 License

Three Ways to Create the Perfect Reading Environment

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Cosying up with a good book can be one of the most relaxing activities out there. Escaping to a new world and meeting new characters is the perfect antidote to the stresses of your life. However, it can be hard to find the perfect space and time to truly lose yourself within a book - your family might be running around you, or there’s too much noise coming from outside, or you can’t quite get to that comfortable position. As much as you want to read, it’s all too easy to get distracted! If you’ve ever felt jealous of those gorgeous ‘reading nooks’ you see online, and you want to create the perfect reading environment follow the tips below to get started.
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