Indie Book Recommendations #4
Indie Book Recommendations #3
Running from his past finally catches up to Jase Raion, an ex-member of the Ashen Guard and the Crown Prince of Chall. After settling on the island of Aria, he receives an unexpected contract: The lost princess of Aria was discovered living in the port town of Brighton, on the outskirts of the island Kingdom.
A trip to the markets in Brighton ends abruptly as Liya Fairaway stumbles into Jase. She vanishes in the busy marketplace when Jase realizes who she is, the lost princess of Aria and the bearer of the 13th Zodiac: Eternity. And his target.
Something ancient pulls them together, a bond that neither can deny. Reluctantly at first, Jase joins Liya and the other Zodiac to end the threat of Soren Raion, the King of Chall.
Time is not on their side, and Fate has other plans.
"I enjoyed the fight scenes and the supernatural themes. Another interesting development was the relationship between two people who are supposed to be enemies: Liya and Jase. The ending was immensely satisfying and rewarding. The worldbuilding was also great, for example, the idea that man was made with soil from the Titan of Urth and breath from the Titan of Sky." - Reader's favorite
She is interrupted by Dean. She likes the man and agrees to leave the party with him to get fast food. Adara receives a blow to her head from armed robbers and realizes she doesn't want to go home. She spends the night with Dean and returns home the following day to her mother's mansion only to find she can't remember a thing from the night before. Her family thinks Dean assaulted her, but she Slowly remembers differently.
The next day Marshall tells her a story about her birth mother that changes everything. Determined to return to Dean, Adara runs away from her family. Dean realizes a plot within the family to frame him for Adara's amnesia. Adara later recollects the last time she saw her father, and now she wonders what happened to her father that night years before?
Blake is Darren's older brother, and Blake has been overseas enjoying the combat. But now, Blake is determined to steal the girl. When Darren is out, Blake pretends to be Darren and has sex with Lea. Three days later, when her period is a day late, Lea takes a pregnancy test. She realizes there is no way it could be Blake's. But Blake finds the test and blackmails her by saying he will kill himself and take her with him.
Darren believes the pair and leaves feeling that Lea needs time with Blake to decide if she wants to marry him or the father of her child. Eight weeks later, Darren returns to find a terrified and tormented Lea. He extricates her from the house after Blake gets drunk and accidentally tells Darren the child might be his. Are they in time for a happy ending?
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Jax and Jericho Masterson saw firsthand what SLICE could do when they came for their parents. Now on the run, the two are struggling to live in a world neither of them has ever experienced. Being raised off the grid in the woods of the Smokey Mountains has left them without the skills needed to deal with human society, but they will learn... the hard way.
Marris Stratford only wanted to be the best big brother any little girl could ask for. He never did anything to call attention to himself, and always tried to do the right thing. Never would he have thought to be the target of a government agency no one had ever even heard of. With a dead heart, he will save his kind, even if it kills him.
SLICE- Supernatural Laboratories for the Investigation of Chaotic Entities
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Sci-Fi Books to Read!
Author Interview: Casey Bell
1. Please
introduce yourself (who are you, what genre/s do you write in, what books do
you have out)
My name is Casey Bell. I am a published author of different mediums and genres. My Teen/Young Adult books are "The Diary of Stephanie," "4Score," and "The House on Atticus Lane," which is also a horror fiction. My fictional books are, "The Family of Strangers," "Essays of Dysfunctional Families: Literary Betrayal," “The Wishing Bottle”, “Crystal Fountain,” and “Buried Lies, Surface.” My non-fiction books are, “Moving 4Ward,” my memoir, “To College or Not College,” “Men Are Dogs: A Book for Single Ladies,” and “4 Keys to Success.” I also have compilation books, “Poetry from the Other Side,” “Art by Casey Bell,” and “Casey’s Song Book.” Lastly, my children’s books include: “You Are Beautiful,” “How to Love Your Bully,” “The Day the Rainbow Broke Up,” and “American History Series.”
Paranormal Romance Books on Kindle Unlimited!
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Hi everyone! So today I thought we would look at indie paranormal romance books that are available on Kindle but also free if you have Kindle Unlimited. Which book will you pick up?But they aren’t gods.
They’re faeries.
When 17-year-old Persephone accidentally stumbles upon a revel, she’s chosen as a sacrifice, but is saved from this fate when the Lord of the Underworld tricks her into becoming his companion for seven months instead. Sephy is taken to his dark palace under the earth, but the Lord of Night isn’t exactly what she expected him to be…
And neither is she.
Guest Post: You Can Still Live a Full Life While Coping With Mental Health Issues by Nicole Dake
In the last couple of years, I have been lucky to find a good counseling center. I am able to see a therapist for talk therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and a Psychiatrist for medications.
“EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences. Repeated studies show that by using EMDR therapy people can experience the benefits of psychotherapy that once took years to make a difference.” (
When I started therapy two years ago, I first started with talk therapy and learning coping skills, then I added EMDR about 6 months in. The combination of both of these approaches has made a huge difference.
I started my treatment this way because PTSD has been more difficult to cope with than either the anxiety or depression, because I used to have frequent panic attacks as a result of the PTSD. Also, coping skills for anxiety and PTSD are very similar.
For both, deep breathing, yoga, meditation and mindfulness have been very helpful as coping skills that I can use in daily life.
When it comes to depression, the most powerful tool that I have learned is using Behavioral Activation.
According to Medical News Today, “The idea behind behavioral activation is that by deliberately practicing certain behaviors, people can “activate” a positive emotional state. For example, engaging in fulfilling or healthy activities can make someone feel good, which then makes them more likely to keep participating in those activities.”
Basically, what it boils down to is that no matter how bad you feel on a given day, you get up and do the things that need to be done anyway. Even if you still feel depressed, at least you will have a sense of accomplishment too.
Another thing I have learned through therapy is to be gentle with myself, and prioritize self-care. One of the pivotal moments in therapy was when one of my therapists told me that, “Setting boundaries is Self-Care.” Protecting your mental space from people who are negative, or ask too much of you, is a way to care for yourself deeply. To protect my mental health, I had to learn that it is OK to say no to things that aren’t serving me.
A combination of therapy and mindset coaching has also taught me to combat my limiting beliefs. I have done this through a combination of using positive affirmations, and using EMDR to combat the sources of my limiting beliefs.
Many of my limiting beliefs stem from a childhood that was alternately abusive and neglectful, and the negative messages that I got from my parents.
One example of this is thinking that everything is my fault. This was especially true for me when something bad would happen. I spent so many years being told that if something bad happened, it meant I had done something wrong, that I believed this very deeply.
When something bad would happen to me, even something small like my child refusing to brush her teeth at night, I would get into a downward spiral of negative thinking. I would start to think I had failed as a mother, I had failed as a person, and that nothing I did was ever right. I felt like nothing I did mattered.
Learning how to combat these negative, limiting beliefs has been freeing.
Now, when I encounter a bad situation, I may still think, “I am a bad mother.” But I don’t go into the whole downward spiral. It stops there. That means, I can say to myself, “No, I am a good mother.” I can also list examples to myself of how I am a good mother. Then, I come out of the negative thinking spiral and feel much better in a matter of minutes or hours. I don’t spend days ruminating about what happened and beating myself up.
When you have a mental health condition, it helps to think positively as much as possible. I use daily affirmations each morning too. Many of these, I use to counteract my limiting beliefs.
If I think something badly about myself, I try to think of a positive message that is the opposite. For example, if I am thinking, “My life is terrible” then I would say an affirmation like, “I have a good life.” I write all of my affirmations on flashcards, and look at them throughout the day to help myself maintain a positive mindset.
I do still have down days, but I have learned to bounce back much faster. I am gentle with myself. I use my coping skills, and practice self-care. If I have a bad day, I do something that I enjoy or I take a nap and rest. That lets me reset mentally, and have a better day the next day.
If you are coping with a mental health disorder, or more than one like me, I would highly recommend going to therapy or coaching. Having a professional to help you learn coping skills is a huge way to learn how to live a happier life.
Nicole Dake is a blogger, author and mom of three, living in Broomfield, CO. Nicole graduated from University of Colorado, Boulder with a BA in Psychology in 2008. Nicole writes about health and wellness for moms and kids, with a focus on whole person wellness. In her spare time, she enjoys swimming, yoga and playing Magic the Gathering.
Children's & Middle Grade Books You Need to Read!
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Hi everyone! This is going to be a post sharing books in the children's and middle grade categories that you should really pick up. Let's take a look at these amazing books!
Emma and the Minotaur (World of Light Book 1)
An invasion is coming.
Deep in the shadows of Glenridge Forest, creatures of myth and legend are returning. They gather and wait for a day soon to come. A day when they will be unleashed upon the planet.
Daydreamer Emma Wilkins is eleven years old and lives on Belle Street in the city of Saint Martin. All Emma wants is a friend. She finds one in Jake Milligan, a new boy in town whose father has gone missing. Together, they embark on a mission to find him.
During her adventure, Emma discovers that all stories are true. All legends are real. The monsters of nightmare exist. She learns about a power greater still, one who watches and waits, preparing for the day when the world is ready for his return.
On her way to an impossible confrontation, Emma must conquer her fears and learn how to defeat the monster in the woods. At stake are the fates of those she cares about most and that of the entire world.
Hew had always dreamt of being a knight. Take that, villain! Yes, princess, of course I'll rescue you. Thank you, your Majesty, yes I am great with a sword. Unfortunately, being a farmer's son made that dream impossible. Real life was more about cleaning animal mess and checking for weeds.
Until he met the dragon.
But there was a problem.
A blight to the north was making magic fade from the Earth. If it disappeared completely, then everyone would freeze to death.
Yes, that included Hew's annoying little sister, but even she didn’t deserve to be frozen. He would have to be brave and defeat this blight. The question was…
What could a nearly eleven-year-old do?
When a well loved dog’s time with his family comes to an end he must embark on a new adventure; to find his own rainbow.
“How to Rest on a Rainbow” is a tale of adventure, friendship, discovery and ever lasting love.
“How To Fix A Rainbow” is a story of new beginnings, adventure, wisdom and learning to count on the people you love when worries arise.
Buck Aye The Coo!
Buck Aye the Highland Coo lives in her own wee world every day. Grazing grass and saying “Moo!” How boring it can be! But not for Buck Aye and her best friend Boo the hedgehog.
“Buck Aye the Coo, Who Are You Noo?” will take you on a journey where you’ll learn having imagination is extra special but so is loving who you are.
Guest Post: How do chronic illnesses co-exist: a look at ehlers-danlos syndrome and bipolar disorder by Kayla Knight
Chronic pain is a broad term. Everyone experiences pain differently. Some deal with pain from an injury, such as breaking your arm. Others are born with conditions, such as arthritis, that cause widespread pain without an easy fix. My experience with chronic pain is uncommon. I dealt with daily pain and thought it was normal. As it turns out, daily pain without some kind of injury, is abnormal. The reason I deal with chronic pain is due to a condition called ehlers-danlos syndrome hypermobility type that causes joint instability, widespread chronic pain, and subluxation (partial dislocation of joints).
Enhancing French Lessons With Your Child
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Are you in the process of helping your child learn French? Whether it’s because you have any plans to emigrate or you simply want to make sure that your child has the experience of learning another language, it’s a very admirable thing to teach. However, while rote memorization and repetition are important, it’s not the only way to learn. Here, we’re going to look at a few ways you can enhance those French lessons, bringing new dimensions to them that might make them stick a little more easily.The virtual approach
Rather than going back and forth with each other, a great way to make sure that you’re broadening the language learning experience for your child is to incorporate some of the language apps that can help teach them in a different way. This can include apps that are all about helping expand and practice their vocabulary, others that focus more on grammar and proper pronunciation, and even those that have some games to make learning more engaging than pure memorization.
Engage with French media
If you ask many people who speak English as a foreign language how they managed to get so fluent, one of the most common responses you will hear is that they spent a lot of time dipped into English-speaking media. You can do the same for your child with French cartoons, French movies, French fairy tales, and you can even look up some of the more popular French kid’s YouTube channels to find content that helps them glean and absorb more and more of the language together.
How To Get Closer To Your Child
If you're a parent, you've probably had the feeling that your child no longer needs you as much as they once did. Even if this isn't intentional, it can cause a chasm between you and your little – or not so little – one.
We don't need things to be this way. There will come a time when the distance between you and your child will naturally widen, but in the meantime, assuming it's too soon for that, here are some suggestions to help you draw closer to your child now.